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Jargon Demystified

Minh’s Notes

Phil Gyford has published an introduction to weblogs for weblog readers. It’s a helpful read if you’re just a reader of weblogs, and not a weblogger yourself. Of course, I try not to use too much jargon, and instead replace jargon with more generic words. For example, what a weblogger would usually call a TrackBack, I call a Referral. Because that’s what it is: someone refers his or her readers to my weblog.

And, for goodness sakes, please post a comment. It’s been months since I’ve had to make a plea like that, thanks to a steady stream of comments from James Ficker and John Fogg. But even they have stopped posting as regularly as before. Hm. Maybe more people will do so if I start calling them “Replies.”

5 Comments & 0 Referrals

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