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About Minh

You’ve seen my picture. You&rsuo;ve read my thoughts. Now you’ll find out more about me than you ever thought you wanted to know.


I live in a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood in Loveland, Ohio. That’s all I’m going to tell you about that. GeoURL


I was born in New Orleans East, Louisiana. My parents were born in Vietnam, so I have a Vietnamese heritage. They gave me a Vietnamese name: Minh. It’s pronounced [miŋ] in the IPA. (My first name sounds like it’s spelled Ming, except that it isn’t spelled that way.)


I currently attend Saint Xavier High School as a sophomore. This year, I am one of two sophomores in the St. X Quiz Team.


My family owns two computers: an IBM Aptiva, running Microsoft Windows 95 and Plus! for Windows 95, and a Dell Dimension, running Microsoft Windows 98 SE 4.10.2222.

For web browsing, I typically use Mozilla Phoenix 0.5 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021207 Phoenix/0.5) and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106IS (only when necessary).

For e-mail, I use Netscape Webmail on whichever browser I use at the time. For web development, I use Allaire HomeSite 4.01. I use Adobe Atmosphere 0.91 for VR web development.

As Cincinnatians, my family has to choose between two services for high-speed Internet access. We chose to use Fuse with Zoomtown, rather than RoadRunner.


I can listen to almost whatever comes onto the radio (except for Heavy Metal and Country), but I prefer Classical and Oldies. (Yes, you can say I’m stuck in the past. ) I used to be okay with Country, but, thanks to Chris, I’m just sick of it now.


Yes, I like art. I like to sketch street scenes of my imaginary metropolis Avanue, and I also like to sketch trees and other scenes in nature. You can find a lot of my art at MingerWorld, which features alternating exhibits of my artwork. I’m also taking Visual Arts Studio Ⅱ in school.


Yes, I watch TV. No, I don’t have cable, satellite, or HDTV. (I’m so deprived. ) Actually, I get many channels, since we live between Cincinnati and Dayton, meaning that we get channels from Cincinnati, Dayton, Oxford, Richmond, Covington, Newport, and even Louisville. That’s plenty enough for me. Besides, I watch mostly news shows and PBS anyways.


I’m Roman Catholic, and I attend St. Columban Parish regularly.


I know English fluently, and I understand Vietnamese fluently. I also take Spanish Ⅱ in school. And since I know English and Spanish, I also know Interlingua.

That’s all I want to tell you about myself right now. If I come up with anything else I want to tell you about myself, I’ll publish it right here.

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Copyright © 2002-2003 Minh Nguyen. Original design copyright © 1995-2002 Eric A. Meyer.

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